To learn a new language is very difficult, there are a lot of words to learn, indeed you never stop to learn new vocabulary even if  it is your native language. When you have been learning English Of course you think it is complicated or you may  think you never won’t learn English, but don’t worry because everybody who has learned another language has thought that once. 

That is why today’s information is about the most difficult languages to learn. Did you Know that English is the easiest language to learn in the world? Yes, it is. Believe it or not. This information is very important to you and takes courage to study very hard. Let’s check this information so you realize you have it easy with English.


Chinese language has plenty of alphabets. In the beginning the chinese alphabet didn’t exist, but  the chinese alphabet was created for foreing students but it was very complicated to create because it was not clear. Nowadays it is called Pinyin but it is still difficult for learners when we talk about syllables instead of words in the alphabet with a completely different writing which is easy to confuse the spelling and the meaning . Also people find the pronunciation very hard. Even that chinese language is quite a challenge, but chinese deserved to be learned because it is the most talked language in the world. So chinese language is today’s business language.


People say that it can be similar to the chinese language but it is not, some words are written similar to chinese but they mean different things. As Spanish speakers probably we don’t have problems with the pronunciation but we could have problems with the writing part, indeed I have heard that japanese people never stop to learn the words called kanjis. Kanjis are words written as symbols, so you can learn the japanese alphabet but you will never stop to memorize the symbols of the words, because people are still studying kanjis until university, can you imagine that?  


It is the fifth most speaking language, and we find troubles with the writing and pronunciation part. Also this language has many dialects, so people who learn this language usually find it frustrating to study.


It is the sixth most speaking language and it is the second most language used on the internet after english. In this language students find troubles in the grammar part, the structure is very complicated, it is completely different from the grammar in english or Spanish, also the pronunciation and the writing are difficult too. So if you live in Mexico it is difficult to find a place to learn this language because it is very difficult to learn this language.

I hope you are motivated now with this information, English is very easy if you compare it with those languages. English is easy and we have a lot of information and material on the internet. So what is going to be your next target language?

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